Jane Soloman

Jane Soloman

Jane Soloman was a 2018 Doug Ducey appointee that replaced the previous public member, Julie Young, an AAWL volunteer, school librarian, and sexual addiction therapist. Ducey appears to have been reappointed her in 2022 but no committee vote or Senate vote was found in the Arizona legislature's online search system. Soloman holds a Bachelor's degree in Physical Anthropology and has worked in a variety of government positions in California. She was an administrative officer for Ventura County in its corrections services and data processing departments. She subsequently worked for Sonoma County as an administrative analyst for the County Administrator and directed the county's Permit and Resource Management Department. She also has a variety of volunteer roles including acting as a legislative advocate for the University of Arizona and its veterinary program, a facility development committee member for the Arizona Humane Society, and a medical school interviewer for the University of Arizona medical school.

Soloman's 2019 confirmation hearing before a Senate committee was one of the longer hearings, largely because of the length of Soloman's biographical statement as read to the committee. We learn that Soloman originally grew up in northeastern Kentucky and spent a lot of time on a relative's quarter horse farm before going to college and spending the majority of her life in California county government. She tells the committee that she worked in nearly every aspect of county government including animal control. She also specialized in crisis management including jail construction and strike contingency planning. She reviewed a sheriff's helicopter service after back-to-back crashes brought down two separate helicopters and killed several deputies; the county subsequently decided to contract the service out to the private sector. Her study on the county morgue was considered so remarkable she was invited to present it to the neighboring Napa County; the research led to Sonoma County creating a new central morgue. She subsequently returned to Arizona and volunteered with various Arizona organizations including the University of Arizona alumni association, the Arizona Humane Society's new animal medical center and shelter initiative, and efforts to expand human healthcare. There were no actual questions but one senator said Soloman made her proud to be a woman; she elaborated that even more proud that Soloman returned to Arizona primarily to care for her ailing parents. There was a minor blip before the vote in that the paperwork for Soloman's nomination misspelled her first name as Janet. Soloman was sent along to the Senate after a rather long nine and a half minutes.

One of Soloman's champion causes, the University of Arizona's veterinary program, has a rather interesting history. A rather innovative program, it's a compressed three-year program that relies on participating veterinary hospitals to provide final-year experiences the school can't offer itself. Christina Tran, a University of Arizona associate professor and an Investigative Committee member with attendance problems, spoke highly of what she described as the "active learning" model in a glowing AAHA puff piece (link). The American Veterinary Medical Association's Council on Education, itself no stranger to problems, actually denied Arizona's attempt at accreditation not once but twice (link). Former vet board member Les Hatfield also discussed a senator's concerns regarding an earlier version of this same proposal during his own nomination hearing back in 2013.

Voting Summary

Jane Soloman voted to dismiss about 78.2% of complaints in our Tails of Woe.

We've tallied up Jane Soloman's votes during the time covered by our public records requests. Of the cases we have, Jane Soloman voted in 510 cases. Of those, Jane Soloman voted in favor of at least one motion containing the word "dismiss" in 399 of them.

Below we've included Jane Soloman's vote breakdowns for up to ten of the most common motions. We also have a detailed list of votes and their associated complaints available in the Voting History.

Motion Aye Nay Recused Absent Total
Dismiss with no violation 347 17 1 11 376
Schedule informal interview 73 0 1 0 74
Offer consent agreement 65 1 0 0 66
Find violation 54 1 1 0 56
Dismiss with no violation and issue letter of concern 32 7 0 0 39
Issue board order 27 2 0 0 29
Accept consent agreement 15 0 0 0 15
Disagree and dismiss with no violation 8 4 0 0 12
Disagree and dismiss with no violation and issue letter of concern 7 2 0 0 9
Issue letter of concern 6 2 0 0 8

Archival Content

Additional archival content for Jane Soloman is posted below and hosted at the Internet Archive.

Executive Summary Jane Soloman Executive Appointment Summary (Legislative Session 541R)
Senate Nomination Hearing Jane Soloman Senate Nomination Hearing (Legislative Session 541R)